
In new-build we install hempcrete in conjunction with a structural timber frame to form highly insulating walls that also provide a large thermal mass. The monolithic aspect of the wall means there’s no thermal bridging in mortar gaps and a consistent insulation from floor to ceiling. Hempcrete can be formed to any shape and applied to any vapour permeable pre-existing wall in retrofit applications. Once dried, lime or clay plasters can be applied directly to the hempcrete internally and lime renders or stone/wood cladding externally.

Hemp blocks

Hemp blocks are formulated off-site, usually made from a combination of hemp, lime, clay, straw or probiotics. We use hemp blocks in both new-build and retrofit projects and often recommend a wall build up made up of an external layer of hempcrete with an internal skim of blocks. They’re pre-dried meaning that internal works such as plastering and second fix can continue right after. Hemp blocks share all the good characteristics of hempcrete - insulating, breathable, fire- and pest-resistant - as well as being lightweight and sustainable.

Breathable floors

We lay insulated limecrete flooring systems in both new build and retrofit applications. They consist of two layers - a limecrete slab above a compacted, recycled foam glass insulation that provides a highly insulative, free-draining, load bearing sub-floor. The limecrete slab has reduced carbon costs compared to other materials as well as being vapour permeable and lightweight. The sub floor material has exceptional moisture management and load bearing qualities. We often install underfloor heating within the limecrete slabs.

Warm roof systems

Hempcrete along with other natural materials can be used to form a highly efficient roof insulation. Usually the hempcrete is placed between the rafters, supported by a breathable carrier board such as wood wool or reed boards. A breathable wood fibre board can be used as an airtight layer above the hempcrete. The benefit of this is airtightness, extra insulation and weather protection. The tiling batten is then placed above counter battens which create a breather gap over the roof to carry away any moisture.

Timber framing

We offer both structural and decorative timber frames, using traditional joinery methods such as joint and peg work. We strive to always use local timber from small-scale mills.


We offer a range of breathable finishes such as lime, clay and hemp plasters. These vapour-permeable finishes aid hempcrete in buffering internal humidity levels and offer extra thermal mass without compromising the breathability.

 For further information on our services, please contact us using the details below.